Installation of the 8th Rector and President of Colegio de San Juan de Letran-Manaoag
A Solemn Eucharistic Celebration: Installation of the 8th Rector and President of Colegio de San Juan de Letran – Manaoag
By: Adrian C. Timwat and Allison S. Villanda
August 24, 2023, stands out as a date written in gold letters in the history of Letran-Manaoag. Colegio de San Juan de Letran-Manaoag celebrated the official start of a new journey with our new leader, Rev. Fr. Jessie R. Yap, OP, EHL, who became our 8th Rector and President on this exact day with opportunities for development, equilibrium, and a new drive and focus, marked the start of a new era in the history of Letran Manaoag. It was presided over by His Excellence, Archbishop Socrates B. Villegas, OP, DD, who represented the Archdiocese of Lingayen-Dagupan. This gave the solemn Eucharistic Celebration and Installation Mass a truly spiritual prominence. Very Rev. Fr. was additionally present. Along with other renowned Dominican Fathers, this historic event was witnessed by Filemon I. Dela Cruz, Jr., OP, Prior Provincial of the Dominican Province of the Philippines.
During his first speech as the recently appointed Rector and President, Fr. Jessie Yap expressed his thanks and dedication to the institution. He openly recognized that he had sought guidance and blessings from God when he first arrived in Manaoag in February. His words carried a reverent devotion: "This mission of service, to which I will dedicate my life and work for the next four years, is a divine calling. We must recognize that Letran is not just a physical place; it encompasses every individual who contributes to its growth, learning, and the molding of its lives within its walls. We are all part of the Letran community." Fr. Jessie Yap's heartfelt dedication to the Letran community was evident as he expressed his appreciation to the administrators, faculty, teachers, employees, staff, parents, students, and alumni who warmly welcomed him. In an inspiring message, he affirmed, "My dear Letranites, this is Father Jessie Yap, ready to lead as your director and president."
This installation event stands as proof of Letran Manaoag's consistent commitment to achieving high standards in education, spiritual development, and community betterment. One Letran institution in Manila and Bataan will be strengthened under Jessie Yap's leadership as he promises to guide Letran Manaoag into a future distinguished by cooperation and advancement. As we begin this new course, Letran Manaoag, under the direction of Fr. Jessie Yap is fully prepared to continue its long-standing commitment to excellence. This will be achieved through the effort and hard work of all its members, guided by faith. Together, let us confidently proclaim, "Arriba, Letran!" as we thrive on this exciting new and improved journey toward becoming a true-blooded Letranite.